Helminthic therapy and fertility
A paper published in 2015 claimed to have discovered a link between infection with “hookworms” and both delayed first pregnancy and extended inter-birth intervals.
Not surprisingly, this finding alarmed some women who are self-treating with therapeutic helminths, especially those using hookworms. However, there are a number of issues with this paper.
- The study was carried out in an Amazonian lowland population in Bolivia, so the subjects had very different backgrounds, lifestyles and environment from Western populations.
- The worm burdens of these forager-horticulturalists are not quantified. If they were large, their effects would have been significantly different from those experienced by Westerners hosting small, “therapeutic” numbers of worms.
- The species of hookworm is not specified, even though there are significant differences between the two types of hookworm, Ancylostoma duodenale (AD) and Necator americanus (NA). These differences include the fact that AD causes up to 10 times more blood loss than NA . The fact that the researchers observed reduced body mass index and lower haemoglobin in the women infected by “hookworms” suggests that these subjects were likely to have been hosting AD, whereas the only hookworm species used in helminthic therapy is NA.
Commentators have raised several further issues in relation to this paper.
- There is no evidence of lowered fertility in non-human animals infected by helminths, in spite of the fact that this is something that could reasonably have been expected to be observed by veterinarians and owners of animals.
- There is no evidence of prior human epidemiology indicating such a lowered fertility connection in the absence of anaemia and/or worm-induced nutritional deprivation.
- A reduction in fertility does not make good evolutionary sense, because any worm that produces this effect would be reducing its own farm stock.
Fortunately, for those who are concerned by this paper, the evidence from helminthic therapy users is that not only does self-treatment with NA and other therapeutic helminths not reduce fertility, but it may actually increase it.

After enduring almost five years of unsuccessful fertility treatment, an aspiring mother took a break and began hosting hookworms. Seven months after this, she resumed the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART), this time opting for donor insemination with double donation, and the first ultrasound revealed a beating heart! Five months into the pregnancy, she topped up her hookworm colony with a view to making her child's immune system more resilient. [5] (In French)