
    From Helminthic Therapy wiki


    Creative Commons license[edit | edit source]

    Content on this website is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    About Helminthic Therapy Wiki[edit | edit source]

    • The aim of the site is to bring together the findings of academic research with the first-hand experience of the many thousands of citizen scientists who are self-treating with therapeutic helminths. This evidence is presented in as close to its raw form as possible, with links to sources, where availalbe, so that readers have access to all the detail they need in order to make the best decisions about their own health. While some of our visitors have told us that they would prefer to just be given simple details and basic instructions to help with using this therapy, it is our view that, wherever possible, it is preferable to also provide all the available raw data to enable our readers to fully understand the many aspects of this therapy and thereby make the most appropriate choices for their own unique situation.
    • The site was founded in January 2017 by John Scott, who financed it himself for the first four years, until being persuaded to accept donations to help cover the site's running costs. See our Donate page for more details.
    • The site is edited and managed by Scott and other members of the Helminthic Therapy Support Group on Facebook. It has no affiliation with any other entity, commercial or otherwise.
    • Due to the dynamic nature of the internet, web links included on this site are unfortunately liable to replacement or expiration without notice.
    • Nothing on this site is intended to encourage anyone to use helminths as a therapy, and we are not suggesting that anything shared on this site will help to alleviate or cure any of the health problems that you may have. Our editors are not doctors, nor experts in any medical field and we are not making any medical claims. Our sole aim is to aggregate the knowledge gained about helminthic therapy through citizen science and academic research, and to offer this for the information of site visitors and their medical advisers. Please see our Disclaimer.

    Comments in the scientific literature[edit | edit source]

    The following comment appeared in a socio-medical study published in 2022. [4]

    Publicly organized data: Helminth Therapy Wiki. Information regarding helminth therapy from social media groups such as Facebook and Yahoo has been available to the public for a number of years [5]. Perhaps the biggest development in terms of social organization for self-treaters is the extensive development of a website designated exclusively for helminth therapy results. This website, “Helminthic Therapy Wiki”, is regularly curated, gleaning information from the web as well as published information related to helminth therapy. The website compiles information on suppliers, financial costs of therapy, financial arrangements used by various suppliers (subscription, one-time payment, or contracts), treatment regimens, and results.

    Visitor comments[edit | edit source]

    The editors of this site regularly receive expressions of gratitude for this resource. Below is a small selection of these comments.

    The wiki is great! So organized, easy to navigate and search. It's really wonderful. Your work has been immense in the spreading of helminth therapy knowledge.
    I am a clinician in the US and I have done lots of searching through the Wiki... Excellent resource btw! I realize you are not a clinician, but you have certainly gained a level of experience and expertise that many doctors etc do not have in this realm.
    Thank you for this resource you have created. it's an incredible thing that’s helping to change a lot of lives.
    There is not any group I'm a member of that has such a wiki with elaborate and organized information of all anecdotal info that members shared the past several years, as well as additional info. It has to be said: that is really unique. And albeit I found it a bit overwhelming at first, I soon found it a wealth of information that helps through the ups and downs of helminthic therapy and that I keep getting back to constantly.
    Props to all those who have worked on and contributed to the wiki. It is such a good resource and thorough with all the information someone who is looking into this therapy could want, all in one place.
    The wiki is truly an invaluable resource.
    Just wanted to say that this is an amazing find for me. The Wiki is so good and detailed and to be honest leaves no questions unanswered. I wish other things in life were so well explained 😊
    The wiki is incredibly well structured, detailed and maintained. Once you start reading it all comes together.
    I have spent about 4 hours on your site so far. I don't know if I will do HT, but nonetheless I am grateful for all your work. I am particularly impressed by the objectivity, which must require a conscious balancing because you are of course in favor of HT and must have years of experience in the subject. This experience is of immeasurable benefit to us, users and potential users… Thank you again for all your work, and for the high quality of that work. You are making a big, important difference in the world.
    What an amazing resource, and kudos to whoever created and is maintaining the wiki. Amazing!
    I must absolutely say - your Helminth Wiki website is an incredible wealth of information. Absolutely incredible.
    Thank you for hosting such a fantastically informative site!
    I really appreciate that the information you provide is always measured and backed by fact. I would never have tried HT otherwise.
    Thank you so much for your tenacity in collecting and organizing helminth information and helping others. The helminthic researchers and users are fortunate to have you do all this work.
    Thank you for creating this. It will be easier to point people in the right direction. The incredible work you do is appreciated, it is so important.
    I am amazed by the amount of work you have done on this Wiki page. Really, I have to tell you that what you have done is quite remarkable - a real labor of love. Thank you for trying so hard to get the word out.
    Really very impressed! It really is brilliant that you have for the first time produced a comprehensive site on helminthic therapy.
    I really appreciate all your work in collecting so much information - it has made a big difference for me.
    I'm still working my way through the wonderful Wiki you've put all your knowledge (and probably the wisdom of your co-fellows) in. That's very impressive and inspiring.
    I am so grateful for the new wiki website you put up. You are doing a huge service and helping many people. Probably even helping to save lives. No, I know it.
    You have enabled an amazing change in my life. ❤
    It's a great resource. I got more info through the wiki then I have for months of searching pubmed and other resources. [6]
    I think the wiki is an awesome resource. It's been invaluable to me for trying worms.
    Thousands of people have hope of a better life as a consequence of information that is given here.
    I must say, the wiki is incredibly well curated and referenced. The best resource a person undergoing this could hope for. [7]
    I have been reading the wiki. It is a great achievement and a fantastic source of information. Well done.
    Just wanted to thank you for maintaining the helminthic therapy wiki. Thank you especially for keeping things focused on both studies and anecdotes, and generally keeping things evidence based.
    Heartfelt thanks to all involved in the Wiki pages - an incredible resource for those of us starting out.
    Thank you for a fantastic and informative website!
    Your wiki site is truly a thing of beauty and I’m looking forward to getting more intimately acquainted with it.
    I love this wiki. No matter how much I read there is always more to learn.
    The wiki really is like a jewel for those interested in learning about HT... there's so much info, so well organized, and so accessible!
    I've been reading the wiki a lot lately, and the more I read, the more amazing and mind-blowing things I learn! It's endless.

    See also[edit | edit source]