Helminthic therapy and candida
A few people have reported that their candida has been helped by helminthic therapy.

I do think hookworm has helped dealing with candida. Just from the perspective that I haven't had to go on antibiotics, which was an all the time occurrence before, with my bad sinuses. (Reported in a private discussion, 2011.)

I suffer from candida and am not sure that hookworms have changed that but they seem to have dampened my body's reactions to the candida. I have less burning and itching down below and in my eyes, feel stronger and more vital, my mouth is less raw, my stomach more stable and I can tolerate more foods, etc. [2]

However, some people continue to have issues with candida while hosting helminths, and two individuals - one with NA, and the other with HDC - have said that their candida got worse while hosting worms.

It may therefore be a good idea to try to reduce a candida infection as much as possible before commencing helminthic therapy, and then take antifungals concurrently with it, if necessary, making sure to use worm-friendly alternatives if hosting human helminths. See the Antifungals section of the Human helminth care manual for worm-friendly treatment options.