Helminthic therapy and Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS)
Ehlers–Danlos syndromes are a group of genetic connective-tissue disorders, of which the hypermobile form is the most common.
Since they have a genetic cause, it had been thought unlikely that Ehlers–Danlos syndromes would respond to helminthic therapy, but it appears that this treatment can help with any autoimmune, inflammatory or allergic conditions that are present alongside the EDS.
And this is what happened to naturopathic doctor, Doni Wilson, who finally decided to try helminthic therapy after years of suffering severe EDS-related headaches and allergies.
By using a very gentle dosing protocol, Dr Wilson was able to successfully use hookworms to treat her longstanding allergies as well as gain extra energy and enjoy improved sleep.

So I tested one more thing—gluten. After 15 years of avoiding gluten, I ate ¼ cup of gluten pasta. No headaches, no migraines, no pain — NOTHING.
The results of only three months of hookworm therapy are, too me, astounding—both as an ND and as a lifelong patient looking for effective relief. As a bonus, I experienced an increase in energy and a consistent better night’s sleep. [1]Others with EDS have reported similar results.

The same self-treater has also reported that helminthic therapy has greatly helped her joints by regulating her hormones, which she says directly affect joint laxity. [5]
Several others have reported benfits, for example: