Helminthic Therapy wiki:Sandbox
The space immediately below this notice can be used to experiment with new ideas for the site, avoiding the need to create new pages until their contents are fully ready for publication. This space will expand to accommodate whatever you add, and anything you want to retain for a longer period can be added to the bottom of the page.
Miscellaneous documents hosted by this wiki ...... PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ......[edit source]
A number of texts that are hosted by this wiki but not readily availalbe elsewhere are listed on the Helminthic therapy documentary resources page.
The following further resources were created for limited audiences.
- Notes for prospective helminth providers (For the information of prospective providers only. Not for general distribution.)
Health professionals in the Helminthic Therapy Support group ...... PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ......[edit source]
There are a lot of medical professionals in the group, many of whom don't reveal their occupation. Those listed below are just a few of the ones who have mentioned their profession. Please add any others as you discover them, along with whatever details are appropriate and available.
Medical doctors[edit source]
- Andrea McBeth ND - US
- Piper Dobner ND - US
- Liz Mcauliff ND (Student in 2022) - joined the HT support group in Nov 2022, after hearing a lecture by Piper Dobner.
- Mark Davis ND - US (Mark likes to start patients with a dose of 25 NA. Having only treated a few dozen individuals, he hasn't yet encountered anyone who is hypersensitive to worms or helminth permissive.)
- Sean Murphy MD- Tucson, Arizona, US. Specialist in emergency medicine, and long-term user of NA. He tried to set up a clinical trial and a company selling NA in the US, both unsuccessfully.
- Richard Doehring MD - retired pathologist, New Zealand
- Jorge Llamas MD - runs the Llamas Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. (Jorge is unfortunately still of the belief that large doses of hookworms are required, and typically starts patients with a dose of 25 NA. He can be very reluctant to start with less, and sent one online patient 10 larvae after having agreed to send her only 3!)
- Cory Tichauer - heard about HT from Piper Dobner. "I am a physician who has been working with HDC for several years successfully in the treatment of immune inflammatory conditions and am interested in expanding my knowledge to NA and TSO as well."
- Nidia Diaz - "I’m a physician learning about this fascinating worm!"
- Ronald Goedeke - "Am a MD and heard about it at a medical conference."
- Victoria Laurin - "I'm a physician and still lots of my friends are skeptical despite my 'miraculous' recovery". I feel like I've gotten my life back. Trying to convince others is so hard.
- Sam Tarshis - emergency medicine resident physician at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln.
- Jake Duncan - functional medicine practitioner.
- Jillian Casey ND
- Oleg Shulik MD - gastoenterology specialist
Nurses[edit source]
- Jane Puckey RN/RM - registered nurse now specialisig in helminthic therapy, New Zealznd. [1]
Pharmacists[edit source]
- Brecht Moerenhout
Chiropractors[edit source]
- Carrie Clark - chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner, Minneapolis, US. [2]
Counsellors[edit source]
- Benjamin Blay MA (counselling). One of the first adopters of NA (in 2007) and TTO, and a helminthic therapist for many years. [3]
Dentists[edit source]
- Wassim Kelada - Masters from the Dept. of Orthodontics at Dundee University. Then studied at The Royal College of Surgeons in the UK.
Veterinarians[edit source]
- Christopher John Cooper - Senior veterinary surgeon
Health coaches[edit source]
Text box options (Grab the markup to reproduce) ...... PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ......[edit source]
Banner notice example (Grab the markup to reproduce) ...... PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ......[edit source]
Helminthic therapy events 2023
In September, 2023, helminth self-treaters will be meeting up at venues around the world to discuss this cutting-edge approach and its incredible benefits.
Come along to one of our planned events, or host one yourself. For details, or to get in touch, click HERE.
[edit source]
Given that hookworms shed a layer of skin before entering a host, it is very unlikely that hookworms would transmit infectious organisms to a host, and a literature search yielded no record of pathogen transmission between hookworm and host. [5] However, the possibility of pathogen transmission between hookworm hosts as a result of inoculation by one individual with larvae grown from the faeces of another has not been ruled out unequivocally. This is why the commercial providers of NA periodically test their reservoir donors for a range of communicable diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, always use an antimicrobial wash to clean the larvae they supply, and then ship them in a weak antibiotic solution. These precautionary measures are as far as the hookworm providers can go to obviate the risk of pathogen transmission, given that helminths are living organisms, and would be killed by any attempt to completely sterilise them.
Hookworm larvae do not need to be cleaned if they have been grown at home for use by the same individual who provided the stool sample for their incubation. However, if that individual wishes to share the larvae they have grown, these can be cleaned using one of the following methods.
Bleach treatment
Collect the brown water from the bottom of the container used for incubation and leave this in a champagne glass for 24 hours. Then add one or two drops of bleach to one litre of water and use some of the resulting bleach solution to almost fill a second champagne glass. The next day, use a pipette to carefully draw up the worms that have settled to the bottom of the champagne glass containing the brown water. Avoid squeezing the pipette once it is in the water because this would create bubbles that would disturb any sediment and distribute the larvae. Instead, slightly squeeze the bulb of the pipette before it enters the water, and hold this position carefully until the pipette reaches the bottom of the glass, where it can be gently released to collect the larvae. Then add the larvae collected to the bleach solution in the second champagne glass. Leave the larvae in the bleach solution for a further 24 hours. The following day, use a pipette to draw up the larvae from the bottom of the bleach solution and transfer them to a microscope slide for counting in preparation for inoculation, or add them to an eppendorf tube containing fresh water (distilled, filtered or bottled water, or dechlorinated tap water) for supply to someone else. [6]
Iodine treatment
Add one drop of commercially available 5% Lugol’s iodine to 5 ml of water (distilled, filtered or bottled water, or dechlorinated tap water) to create a 0.02% iodine solution. Then add 1 ml of this solution to 1 ml of water containing the larvae to be cleaned. After the larvae have spent 20 minutes in this solution, the iodine should be neutralised by adding a pinch of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) powder to the solution. Neutralisation of the iodine is confirmed when sufficient ascorbic acid has been sprinkled into the water to make this completely clear.
Larvae that have been cleaned by any method will have a shorter shelf life than those that have not been cleaned.