An entire family benefitting from self-treatment with hookworms
We are a family of four - mum, dad, a boy aged 7 and a 12 year old girl. We have all been taking helminths regularly for a number of years. First the parents, then later the children.
Both children are generally well and healthy, but we have noticed a few improvements that could be attributed to taking the helminths.
Our daughter was about 6 years old when I noticed some interesting behaviour while she was setting out her breakfast. She had to have everything lined up in a straight line with exactly the same spacing, and she took some time in order to achieve this. Cereal container, bottle of milk, spoon and bowl were all lined up in a row making sure the spaces between were exactly the same.
At around the age of 11, she also complained of hot feet and had to hang her feet out of the side of the bed to keep them cool. She was also waking up in the middle of the night, crying in pain because one or other of her joints was aching. This would then just stop and she would go back to sleep.
These things all resolved as a result of taking the helminth, Necator americanus (NA), in very small doses of 3 NA every 3-6 months.
Our daughter didn’t take much convincing to partake, and she will ask when she feels she needs more of them, but our son needed a little more time to get his head around things. He has had chest / respiratory issues which have improved during the time he has been on helminths. He doesn’t get as many now and they don’t last as long.
As a family, we believe in the benefits the helminths provide, and we will continue on this journey.
Name supplied, September 2023.
See Family successes for further examples of this type.